Bruce Fenton wants to make Bitcoin legal tender

Bruce Fenton

Bruce Fenton, candidate for the US Senate for the state of New Hampshire, believes that Bitcoiners are in the best position to build a new world of freedom. Fenton is running for the Senate to push this legislation forward.

Bruce Fenton, New Hampshire’s nominee for the US Senate, sees the best way to change the current system in a meaningful way is to legally infiltrate it and change it from within. Fenton voiced his steep thesis in a recent interview with Scott Melker, host of the “Wolf of all Street” podcast.

Bruce Fenton wants to propose Bitcoin as the official payment currency in the USA

If elected, Fenton would be willing to propose Bitcoin as legal tender in the United States. When asked by Melker whether he expected his proposal to have little success, Fenton answered “Yes”. However, he added that the world has changed compared to the times before 2019. As such, he believes he has a high expectation of success and could get his proposal into law in less than two years.

“As far as I know, it’s quite difficult to submit invoices etc. But the world is changing very quickly.”

He continued: “The rules of the game by which many people work have no longer been valid since 2019 at the latest. Fenton also believes that the way things work around the world changes every 100 or 400 years. This shift, according to Fenton, is what is happening in the world right now.

Bruce Fenton: Government involvement in Bitcoin should be purely regulatory

Fenton said the best way for the government to get involved with Bitcoin is to remove any barrier, regulatory or otherwise, that allows citizens to trade digital assets freely.

“I wouldn’t necessarily say the government should buy bitcoin for their balance sheet. Ideally, governments wouldn’t even have a balance sheet, it would be the whole people, so if a government can encourage its citizens to do so. Better yet, if it removes all obstacles, regulatory or otherwise, that’s an even bigger victory.”

Fenton’s commitment to cryptocurrencies is not new

Fenton’s campaign premise is similar to that of 2020 presidential nominee Andrew Yang. During his campaign two years ago, the main basis of Yang’s campaign pledge was to have a unified crypto regulatory policy across the country.

Yang also said that he would advocate for a clear rulebook for crypto players. Unfortunately, Yang later gave up his presidential campaign after checking the numbers and realizing he couldn’t win.

Fenton and Yang are among the few active pro-crypto politicians. Like Yang, Fenton wants bitcoiners like himself to build a new world and decide what it should look like. Fenton believes that this world is possible once there is a separation between money and state, just as there is a separation between church and state.

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